Hello, World
Since 1996, Authorize.Net has been a leading payment provider, trusted by more than 430,000 merchants, handling more than 1 billion transactions and $149 billion in payments every year. We were tasked with igniting a whole new era of developers and positioning Authorize.Net as the top payment option in their mind.
Role: Lead Art Direction
Client: Authorize.Net
Agency: 90octane
Account Team: Nicole Thomas & Nikki Molina
Storytelling: Jana Bender
Creative Direction: Dan Schrad
Development: Craig Shannon
The Story
Authorize.Net was looking for an awareness campaign aimed at developers that would implement their platform. While being the leader in the payment world for years, they were seen as “old and stodgey” by their developer audience, deciding to go with newer, flashier platforms. They had just updated their platform and wanted us to tell the world about it.
View the site
Developers can be a tricky bunch to market to. They know how it all works so they can be reluctant to give out their information. We decided to play to that sentiment and give them a free asset up front. We also opted to create a system that would allow them to enter their minimal information (Name and Email address) and unlock all assets at once.
We knew we had to “Wow” them so instead of creating PDFs like the rest of the marketing world, we decided to turn our assets into actual web pages with live text and animations. This allowed a user to scroll through highly valuable technical content, while retaining their specific interests engaged.